Number of students enrolled on the last Friday in October each year (official State count).
Attending Neighborhood School
Number of students who live within the attendance boundary and attend their neighborhood school.
Choice In
Number of students who do not live within the attendance boundary and choose to enroll in the neighborhood school.
Choice Out
Number of students who live within the attendance boundary and choose not to attend the neighborhood school. (Note: For campuses with no attendance boundary, the Choice Out count is 0).
Cost Per Pupil
Average cost per student to operate the campus.
Functional Capacity
The number of students the campus can hold allowing for a 15% excess utilization. Functional capacity is 15% of design capacity.
Facility Usage
The percentage of the school building’s functional capacity that is currently being used by the students.
State Accountability Rating
Letter grade assigned by the state to indicate the overall performance of the campus or district.
The cut point used to determine if a campus is considered thriving for the specified criteria.
Transfer In
The total number of SAISD students who are attending an SAISD campus who do not live in that campus boundary.
Transfer Out (SAISD)
The number of SAISD students who live in SAISD, but do not attend their neighborhood school..
Transfer Out (Non-SAISD)
The total number of students who live in SAISD but attend a campus outside of the district.