Term | Definition |
Single Member District (SMD) | An electoral district represented by a single officeholder. SAISD has seven SMDs. |
Historical Enrollment | Number of students enrolled on the last Friday in October in the current school year. |
Current Year Average Attendance Rate | The percentage of days that students were present based on student attendance for the entire school year. |
Current Year Membership by Grade Level | Number of students in membership by grade level for the current school year. |
Current Year Daily Attendance | Daily membership and attendance counts only reflect students eligible for attendance during instructional days which may vary based on campus calendars. |
Demographics | Percentage of the student population identified by student race/ethnicity, student program, or sex. |
Number of Campuses by Year | The total number of campuses by school year. |
State Accountability Rating | Data calculated using A-F methodology for current campuses. Official campus ratings for 2018 were "Met Standard" or "Improvement Required" and in 2021 all campuses were "Not Rated". |